Equinox Equilibrium & Cutting Zs ~ 22 Sep 2016

The equinox is upon us. Autumnal for the northern hemisphere; vernal for the southern hemisphere, which begs the below-the-equator question, “Why ain’t the Sun in Aries, then?” Or, that gang up north surely has it backwards.

The north/south what’s the right equinox question offers more perplexment (I made up that word) than Mercury in Virgo can process in hours’ worth of mulling. Oh, then there’s Mercury... just now direct in a sign the multi-gendered deity rules. Given Mercury direct, especially in the detail oriented, Post-It Note using sign, no more saying the e-mail got deleted, you forgot to order while the sale was on, and that you couldn’t get out the door because your belt didn’t match your shoes. Of course, the latter excuse certainly pleases the array of planets in Libra.

The Sun enters Libra today establishing the equinox, by whatever name you call it. This ain’t no normal equinox. Tomorrow the Sun aligns with the dwarf planet Makemake. Sunday the Sun conjoins Jupiter putting the two largest bodies in the solar system in direct alignment. Hopefully, they agree on the agenda of restoring balance; good will in global interactions; kindness, consideration and fairness in personal interactions. All this occurs as the Sun, Makemake and Jupiter align with the Super-Galactic Center (ZS).

Given Mercury in Virgo, let’s break this into compartmentalized, bite-sized, easily digestible mental blips.

The Sun to Makemake begs the questions:

What are you doing to save the planet?

How’s your carbon footprint reduction going?

Have you defeated the urge for rabid consumerism, especially regarding electronic devices?

How you doing with curly-cue energy-efficient light bulbs? (Edison had a strong Makemake)

How’s your representation of what you bring to the table working out for you? Have you reviewed your press release, bio blip, CV before it goes out?

The Sun to Jupiter stresses:

Get that plan drafted and make sure it’s big.

Establish a strong philosophy that provides your personal value with confidence and inspires certainty in yourself, your goals and your causes.

Get the plan going.

Review and make sure the plan is big enough, stretching beyond all previously known perimeters.

Define your fair share first such that when the time comes to assert what you require, the assertion matches the magnificence of the two hugest solar system bodies together.

Remember: those who bring gravitational influence with them get pushed to the center of the sphere of influence and are expected to lead.

All the while the Sun, Makemake and Jupiter pass by the ZS complex, which queries:

Are the partnerships in play based upon the law of attraction, philosophical commonality and outrageously altruistic goals that are good for people coming together and the fate of the planet?

Are you playing nicely in the sand box? No taking anyone’s lunch and eating it, right?

Is the cause in play inducing a greater respect for peace, cooperation and the reality that it’s okay if things do move along easily and without intrinsic stress?

Oh yes, and all this while Mars aligns with the Galactic Center (Z) complex:

That plan from six to nine months ago... if you don’t get on with it now, suddenly multiple parties will have “stolen” your ideas.

Transact progressive ideas from the recent past (last 90 days). Today’s latest brilliance may be a bit ahead of the curve for the mainstream to comprehend.

Tinker with those tantalizing thoughts. You might invent the next great thing. Or come up with the next humanity saving innovation.

It’s a complicated time as we’ve seen in the past week with events in Minnesota, New York, Syria, Iran and North Korea. As complicated as is the time, within the revelations from significant planetary patterns to galactic influences, answers are at hand - or more literally, lingering above our heads, awaiting a download from a human-type who’s ready to get on with it.

Create personal equilibrium. Get into the center of your being. Define what you need, how to interact with others in symbiotic ways and download the influences overhead. While critical times abound, Mercury in Virgo stresses that critical (not judgmental, but precise and discerning) thinking regarding cosmic revelations does a body good... and does the body upon which the body rides good as well.